5 Most Common Animals and Their Biological Names

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Animals are eukaryotic, multicellular organisms that consume organic material and breathe oxygen. They have complex interactions with each other and their environment, forming intricate food webs.

They are named using a scientific naming system called binomial nomenclature. This system is standardised and accepted worldwide.

Boops Boops

Boops boops, commonly known as bogue, is a species of seabream native to the eastern Atlantic. Its scientific name, and its common names in many languages, refer to the fish’s large bugged out eyes.

This is an omnivorous fish that feeds on plankton and crustaceans, but can also eat seaweed and squid. It is typically found in shallow coastal waters, often on sandy or rocky sea floors.

Chicken Turtle

The Chicken Turtle (Deirocelys reticularia) is one of the most common turtle species in the southeastern United States. It is similar to the eastern painted turtle and some cooters but has an unusually long neck that is close to the length of its shell.

This species is most often found in semi-aquatic habitats such as ponds, lakes, streams and swamps. It can also be seen migrating between aquatic and terrestrial habitats.

Colon Rectum

The colon (the longest part of the large intestine) removes water and nutrients from partially digested food. It also absorbs electrolytes and waste.

The rectum (a shorter tube that connects the colon to the anus) stores feces until it’s time to have a bowel movement. When it’s time, it releases poop into the anus.

Slippery Dick

The slippery dick (Halichoeres bivittatus) is a protogynous hermaphrodite, meaning it changes from female to male during its life.

In its juvenile phase, they are white with a distinct black lateral stripe that runs from their snout to their tail. They then transition to the initial phase where they are grayish white with a pinkish-red lateral stripe.

Sparklemuffin Spider

Sparklemuffin Spider is a newly discovered species of peacock spider, named for its colorful patterns and sexy dance moves. These stunning creatures were found in Queensland, Australia by a graduate student and a friend.

Males of these brightly colored arachnids attract females with fan-shaped appendages at the end of two legs. When they wave these, the females stop and take notice — and then it’s mating time!

Tufted Titmouse

The Tufted Titmouse, Baeolophus bicolor, is the most common titmouse species found in North America. It is a small, cheery-voiced songbird that rings through deciduous woodlands and suburban neighborhoods.

Tufted titmice nest in natural tree cavities, abandoned woodpecker holes, bird boxes, hollow metal pipes and fence posts. Nests are lined with soft materials such as grass, moss, cotton or leaves.

Mountain Chicken

Mountain Chicken (Leptodactylus fallax) is one of the largest frogs in the world, weighing over 900 grams and growing to a head and body length of over 20 centimetres. It is a native to Dominica and Montserrat in the Caribbean.

They are one of the most endangered amphibians in the world, being largely wiped out on Montserrat by the devastating fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd). Bd can cause the incredibly fatal disease chytridiomycosis which kills amphibians.

Moustached Puffbird

A member of the Bucconidae family, puffbirds are tropical birds with large heads and flattened bills with hooked tips.

The Moustached Puffbird (Malacoptila mystacalis) is a silent medium sized bird about 8 inches (20cm) that is difficult to find in dark, moist forest undergrowth.

It is found throughout the Andes of Venezuela and Colombia from 800 to 1,500 meters ( 2,600 to 4,900 feet) above sea level. It is a monotypic species.

Pink Fairy Armadillo

The smallest of all armadillos, the Pink Fairy Armadillo (Chlamyphorus truncatus) is a rare fossorial mammal that is confined to central Argentina. It lives underground and is primarily nocturnal, making sightings in the wild so rare that little is known about this elusive critter.

Scientists believe that the pink color of its shell comes from the fact that the armadillo can pump blood into its carapace to help regulate body heat. This thermoregulation ability is a critical survival strategy because the desert climate where this species lives can get quite hot.

Satanic Gecko

The Satanic Gecko, or Eyelash Leaf-Tailed Gecko, is a gecko species that is found only on the island of Madagascar. It is a member of the Uroplatus genus and is known for its excellent camouflage ability.

These geckos can come in a variety of colors including purples, oranges, yellows and tans but are most often a mottled brown color with small black dots on their undersides. They have flattened tails with multiple notches that mimic the look of a dead leaf.

5 Most Common Animals and Their Biological Names

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