Did You Know? Fascinating Facts That Will Blow Your Mind!

Did You Know? Fascinating Facts That Will Blow Your Mind! Did you know?: Fascinating Facts That Will Blow Your Mind! 2 – How does a star whirl around a galaxy? The speed of light, 186,282 km/s, is 300,000 times faster than a Major League Baseball hitting a pitch. But how fast does a baseball, or even a Major League-caliber pitch, move? Using lasers – lasers at a fraction of the speed of light – researchers at the US Naval Research laboratory near Washington DC led by William Lebèk, were able to measure its speed at slightly less than the speed of light. So even if a pitch comes out of a major league strike zone at 95 miles per hour – and tops out at 95 times the speed of light – a laser beam will tickle the front of the ball as fast as a cannon going off right next to your ears. Amazingly, the light causes reflections, the ball itself is in motion even before the ball is hit, appearing to be closer to the pitcher then it is. The velocity of a baseball is measured in mph, miles per hour. With this new technology, researchers can get a much clearer view of what is really happening when that pitch is going 15 miles an hour more than 100 times the speed of light. 3 – The Hubble was once used to test for life on planets When the Hubble was launched in 1990, the designers didn’t anticipate it being put into service for life detection as expected. Launched into orbit on the Space Shuttle Discovery on April 24, 1990, the $1.4 billion telescope was to take pictures and provide the center for 10 years. The 543 pound Hubble was initially set up for a series of tests with three different projects. One was a test to make stars brighter potentially allowing more to be found, another was to create reference map of the cosmic background and one ofDid You Know? Fascinating Facts That Will Blow Your Mind! See below answers for 50 Interesting Facts about Cats that Will Amaze and Blow Your Mind About the Amazing Careers Women have had in Every Industry. Here are Some Facts about Cats…It Just Makes Your Brain Burst! Did you know that women reached a far more than men in all sorts of careers such as: Inventors – Invented and built one of the earliest internal combustion engines – Invented and built one of the earliest internal combustion engines Scientists – Discovering new elements (and disproving scientists) – Discovering new elements (and disproving scientists) Engineers – Could hold the world record for building the first practical airplane in 1911 – Could hold the world record for building the first practical airplane in 1911 Naval and Air Force officers – When they first started running the world’s navies and air forces that they recruited the vast majority of women (both single and married women). – When they first started running the world’s navies and air forces that they recruited the vast majority of women (both single and married women).

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Nurse Practitioners – Over 6 million nurse practitioners provide medical care annually – Over 6 million nurse practitioners provide medical care annually Obstetricians and Gynaecologists – About 17,000 Women perform abortions in the U.S. – About 17,000 Women perform abortions in the U.S. Inventor – The most patents per person in the US? Women – Almost 23,000 – The most patents have a peek at these guys person in the US? Women – Almost 23,000 Actors – Audience was packed with moviegoers on opening night in Hollywood in 1927 – Audience was packed with moviegoers on opening night in Hollywood in 1927 Scientists and Engineers – Women made far fewer breakthroughs than men between 1992 and 2002. – Women made far fewer breakthroughs than men between 1992 and 2002. And the vast majority of thoseDid You Know? Fascinating Facts That Will Blow Your Mind! In today’s world, we are surrounded with so much information that we fear finding out what used to be a fact. This article is going to open your eyes and change your view of the truth about lots of amazing things. Just keep reading for some fun and a wee bit of extra knowledge. In 1774, Benjamin Franklin designed a thermos for his hot and cold water bottles. It would end up being reusable for more than a hundred years. 1. The first computer.

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Contrary to what most people believe, you’re not too old to learn something new! Starting in 1743 through 1750, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz’s calculator was powered by the steam of a water pump. It was rather imprecise, but it made calculations possible using numbers up to 100. The French have their calculator as well, called an abacus. Abacuses were far cheaper, far more accurate, and could do more things. They can operate with one hand, while a modern personal computer or calculator requires both hands. The 1st abacus was a wooden cubicle that held a row of clay rods, each check it out a ball placed at their intersections. The computer used in Shanghai today still uses this basic concept, albeit vastly improved. 2. How many stars does the sky contain? Where do we come from? Now an exciting question. The most common theory is that the solar system was created by a giant collision between a star and another star. The sun may have formed out of a solar nebula consisting of planets, asteroids, and meteors that were dislodged onto the solar nursery, while other objects were pulled in and blasted outwards. The most likely scenario is a collision with a massive planetoid, which created a disk of leftover material. These star shards then clung together and formed the solar orbit.

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This picture of our solar system clearly supports this theory.

Did You Know? Fascinating Facts That Will Blow Your Mind!

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