ExxonMobil Vs BP

ExxonMobil Vs BP, A Comparison Of Oil Pollution Litigation As ExxonMobil Corp and BP plc conduct their legal battle over the causes of the April 20 Deepwater Horizon well blowout and ensuing oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, they are sure to remind viewers that liability for oil damages, such … Read more → ShareThis (Photo Courtesy: HuffingtonPost.com) The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, an estimated 70-86 million gallons of crude oil, spreading 30- 40 miles away from the site where an offshore drilling rig accident on April 20, killed 11 persons responsible for operations … Read more → The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, an estimated 70-86 million gallons of crude oil, spreading 30- 40 miles away from the site where an offshore drilling rig accident on April 20, killed 11 persons responsible for operations. Because of safety problems at the root of the oil rig accident, BP cannot yet control the well, and as soon as one well is taken offline the oil spill will become even larger by the current loss of 2.5 million barrels of oil daily, the size of a small spill was already a major concern, but the real worry is that a giant oil slick check that pose environmental problems for the Gulf of Mexico region. Natural Resources Sec. Ken Salazar states that if, the current spill is larger than oil spill disaster caused by the Exxon-Valdez oil tanker in 1989, the oil slick could spread as much as 40 miles from the spill source. The original plan was to reduce volumes by flowing the oil first to the surface, where it could then travel through the pipeline to the Texas refinery. But federal authorities never allowed the plan to work. Two days ago, Obama administration officials announced a shift in strategy and began to pump oil directly from the well into a tanker, named the “top kill” process, which involves pumping a cement, or heavy oil, mix into the well to try to force the oil and gasExxonMobil Vs BP – Supreme Court Hearing Thursday 30 October 2016 – The case against the Russian oil majors in the Hague; Transocean click here for info and Hess AG, claim British Petroleum (BP) and Russian state-owned company Rosneft together with its Swiss partner Helveleand the German company Wintershall breached joint undertaking regulations and were culpable along with the Nigerian one time consortium ONGC Videsh for their consequences. In addition, Transocean claims the British owned Forties Pipeline, the most recent in a line of gas pipeline projects which were designed to bring gas supplies from the US shale gas regions of the Bakken, Eagle Ford and Permian Basin regions to the UK and Europe in the first place, bore a failure risk. The group named LUKOIL VLK Offshore AO as it was a party to the joint project. Representatives from all of the defendants were present. It is the fourth time the matter has come before the International Court of Justice (ICJ).

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The first three times the parties settled for out of court to a major extent the same £270 million costs. The claimants’ original goal was to recover £18 billion in potential damages or $267 billion. On its fourth day in the Court the plaintiffs demanded £67 billion plus interest. The Court held off on judging the damages on a day-to-day basis. An estimated £31 billion in damages is due to go to these guys on top of the £18 billion in alleged costs already paid and an estimated £14 to £16 billion to resolve the alleged fines and fees. On the fourth day of the hearing the figures were revised again. The consortium lost six more barrels of oil as a result of the explosion that ripped throughout the flammable Macondo reservoir. This meant a loss of an estimated 5,000 barrels to 6,200 barrels of oil per day. Some of the oil evaporated and seeped into the Gulf of Mexico, releasing vast quantities of oil towards the coastline.ExxonMobil Vs BP: The New Arctic — A Preview For The Global Climate Debate Of 2013? The two oil companies who discovered the major link fields of Alaska for the first time not too far from browse around these guys other this year are now pitted against each other in a new round of oil field litigation – at least theoretically a major source of campaign money to help the Democratic Presidential candidates in this year’s election. Let’s talk about that a bit below. Suffice it to say it began with a lawsuit filed last year in federal district court in Anchorage, AK against ExxonMobil, that seeks to limit Exxon’s future use of its discovery according to standards agreed upon in an entirely different lawsuit filed against the same company three years ago. browse around here original lawsuit was brought against ExxonMobil by the Center for Biological Diversity as well as seven of the largest US conservation groups, seeking to avoid further drilling in a sensitive coastal ecosystem that is home to whales and critically important – to the climate.

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At stake is important link fate of northern bear habitat on the Seward Peninsula. The original suit sought to open this area in the Chukchi to drilling for the first time in over a century. Exxon and the conservation organizations filed a motion for summary judgment, requesting that the case be dismissed and that the judge rule in Exxon’s favor as a matter of law on all the issues. Several dates have been set for oral argument over the course of this year. While the case drags on, other legal pleadings have been filed by these groups attempting to prevent what they say that site Exxon’s “careless pumping” of oil from its Arctic wells or seeking to have ExxonMobil perform the removal and restoration of what they say is a mess. The other side of the litigation is the “citizen” side or what oil industry watchers like to call “Big Oil.” In addition to ExxonMobil, the Big Oil giant in terms of assets

ExxonMobil Vs BP

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