Largest Cities in Pakistan

Pakistan is one of the world’s most populous countries, with a population that is expected to exceed 200 million in 2019. The country’s major cities are home to many of its citizens.

The largest city in Pakistan is Karachi, which has a population of 11,624,219 people. It is the capital of Sindh Province and the most important port in the country.


Located along the Arabian Sea coast, Karachi is Pakistan’s largest city and the country’s principal port and industrial center. It is also a major financial center, handling most of the nation’s international trade and hosting the offices of most foreign multinational corporations.

It is a highly diverse city that features many cultures, races, and religions. Most of its population is Muslim, including Urdu-speaking Muhajirs (Muslim migrants from India who settled in Karachi after the 1947 partition). There are also Christian, Hindu, Parsi, Buddhist and Jain minorities in Karachi.

The city is a popular tourist destination for its beaches, parks and shopping areas. It is a hub for commerce and finance, and is home to most of the nation’s universities.

The city is a melting pot of many ethnic, cultural and religious groups, making it a vibrant and dynamic urban hub that is constantly evolving to suit the changing needs of its inhabitants. The pace of life is faster than in other parts of the country, and people tend to be more liberal in their social attitudes.


Islamabad is the capital of Pakistan and has been the country’s largest city since 1960. It is a planned city, with clusters of buildings arranged as a grid with wide roads and divided avenues, open spaces and parks, and designated areas for bazaars, markets and shopping centers.

Islamabad’s streets are clean and quiet, as are its buildings. It is considered to be the greenest city in the country, with dense vegetation sprinkled throughout the city.

The Pakistan Monument is a high-concept iconic structure with towering granite arches representing different cultures in the country. Inside the arches are relief carvings of the Pakistani independence movement and national heroes.

Another must-see in Islamabad is the Lok Virsa Museum, which showcases all forms of cultural art and crafts that are unique to Pakistan. You can find everything from pottery to rugs, jewelry, woodwork and block printing.

If you’re a nature lover, you should visit the Shah Allah Ditta Caves in the Margalla Hills, an ancient village full of caves that are believed to have been used by Buddhist monks for meditation. You’ll also find relics from the ancient time here.


Faisalabad is a city in the province of Punjab, Pakistan. It is 225 miles south of Islamabad and is located in the rolling plains of northeast Punjab. The city is home to several important industries including textile and agriculture.

The city is also an important transport hub for the region and is served by a number of private bus companies, taxi services, and rickshaws. The largest company is Daewoo Pakistan, which operates out of the private bus terminal at Punj Pullian Road.

Besides being a major manufacturing center, Faisalabad has many educational institutions. The city is home to universities and colleges that provide education at a variety of levels.

There are many recreational places in the city as well. One of the most popular attractions is the clock tower which is one of the oldest monuments in Faisalabad and is considered as a symbol of the city. Other recreational areas include Happy Land Water Park and a number of parks.


Located in the northern region of Punjab, Gujranwala is one of Pakistan’s largest cities. Its population is well over 2 million people, making it the fifth-largest city in the country after Karachi, Lahore, Faisalabad and Rawalpindi.

This city is also known as the “City of Wrestlers.” It has many export-driven industries, and it’s also famous for its amazing food! There are lots of great restaurants to visit in Gujranwala, but you’ll especially want to try the famous kebabs at Khizer Tikka Shop.

The kebabs here are stuffed with everything from lamb to mutton chops to quail. They’re grilled right outside the restaurant, so they’re incredibly juicy and delicious.

In fact, the kebabs here are so good that it’s worth a trip to the Old Town just to eat them. There, you’ll find a whole row of vendors managing platters with a range of different meats. You’ll have a hard time choosing which is your favorite

Largest Cities in Pakistan

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