Law of Conservation of Mass

Law of Conservation of Mass and Enthalpy Diversions from the Straight-and-Narrow The Law of Conservation of Mass and Enthalpy, is both a law that seems to be the most central physical law of nature, and a subject that reveals, on close examination, the limits of (and even some hidden contradictions in) mainstream physics. This article will use the common parlance of mainstream physics for the sake of clarity, but the concepts I will be discussing are much more deep-seated, metaphysical and fundamental than commonly imagined. On the one hand, our culture reveres progress, so it is easy to forget that almost no progress is made by ignoring these most basic pillars of everything we know. On the other hand, mainstream physics often tries to hide its own fundamental laws, what are the limits of its reach, and so a discussion of the law from a fundamentally different perspective is justified. This is where I am going. In doing this I will be using the following definitions on enthalpy: Enthalpy is the energy needed to bring a system from one point to another. Entropy is the thermodynamic disorder of a system. This is the disorder of the energy at issue. Entropy may be most commonly measured or calculated using Boltzmann’s “ln2”. In order to be a good metaphor for physical properties I will defer to this standard in equations as well, at times, leading to some confusion. Let me state plainly, entropy is not considered to be a standard physical property of (anything). Thus, for example, entropy can not be visualized as a discrete number like “2.053”, but can only be measured.

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We can ask, for example, “what is the entropy of the earth after it has undergone a hundred billion years?” and the answer will always be “0.000…..”. This leaves open the question of whether orLaw of Conservation of Mass and Momentum The conservation of kinetic energy and momentum (or equivalently, the conservation of mass and momentum) occurs in the total variation of kinetic energy (or equivalently, the change in mass) and momentum times the variation of a physical quantity during a system’s motion. Conservation takes place within each frame of reference. Formulation in classical mechanics In classical mechanics, the conservation of momentum occurs within each system of coordinates. Change in momentum occurs as a consequence of changes in kinetic energy, changes in momentum of a net force applied to or by the system and as a consequence of the change in gravitational potential energy (or conversely: with the change in kinetic energy, the sum of these changes constitute conservation of momentum). The same applies in the case of the conservation of mass, where change in mass occurs as a consequence of change in gravitational potential energy (or conversely: change in gravitational potential energy causes mass change through changing the kinetic energy) and changes in kinetic energy. Mass Let be the standard gravitational potential energy Δ U by a unit mass on a uniform circular orbit with radius Homepage The standard gravitational potential energy Δ U of the unit mass is Δ U = GMmρ/r2 where is the standard gravitational acceleration, is the Earth’s mass, is the unit mass, G is the universal gravitational constant, is the radius of the orbit, ρ the standard mass density of Earth,m the mass of the unit mass andρ the standard density of Earth. The speed in this equation represents the (unknown) velocity of the planet with respect to the Earth and changes signs during a turnaround around the Earth. This change is a fact of relativity.

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The change in potential energy ΔU from Earth to the unit mass during the orbit is Δ U = (−)RMgDΔ h where is the standard gravitational acceleration, is the mass of Earth on the radius. is the variation of the gravitational potential energy of Earth due to the mass of the unit mass, is absolute distance, is the mass of Earth,standard mass density of Earth,rthe radius of the orbit, and is the standard gravitational potential energy of Earth at that distance. m and ρ designate the mass and density (or mass per unit volume) of Earth. The index D represents the variation of height of a point on that same distance from the Earth’s center in geocentric coordinates – to the specific point with the unit mass around Earth. This calculation leads to a general conservation of mass of orbiting masses: Δ U = (−)RMgDΔ h = 0 Δ U = constant, m = constant, ∫ Δ h = constant Δ U is constant, by its nature, as is m and. The first differential equation represents the conservation of mass; the second equation represents the conservation of energy for this problem.Law of Conservation of Mass and Energy, known as The Energy-Mass Theorem in physics, is a restatement of conservation of energy of a thermodynamic system in a reference frame moving with respect to the rest frame of the system.[1] Mass is equivalent to energy, although they are different. “Molar energy per quantity of matter = amount of energy required per quantity of matter.”[2][3]Molar energy (U) = U = nkT. The energy contained in space is equivalent to the mass per volume of an object in space. Mass per volume has the magnitude of energy per unit volume. The E[calorie] = mc2 equation, E = hf[number of wavelengths][/number of photons], is derived by multiplying the Planck’s constant, h, which is a constant, by the frequency of the photons[/number of photons] in the object in question.

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The concept of energy per volume involves the dimensions parallel to the surface of the object. A perfect sphere has a dimension of zero meaning energy can escape from the object in a more efficient way than if the energy were trapped. The higher the frequency of the photon, the more energy will be trapped. A black hole will have a higher frequency and therefore a higher energy for a given mass. The mass contained in an object is related to density: the mass contains a fixed quantity of energy per volume but the size and density of the volume contained in the object are what determine the amount of energy the matter in the object possesses. The mass of a body is equivalent to the energy required to change the state of motion of the body. For example, this could change the velocity, shape, size, charge or other physical property. For example, there is a conservation of mass aspect of the energy-mass theorem. During a chemical reaction only the sum of mass-energy is conserved. For example, a reaction in which one molecule gives off mass-energy and another molecule assimilates that mass-energy, but the total mass-energy is conserved. This is the conservation of mass. In relativity the mass of an object does not actually change—the amount of energy it has is the same—but when the energy is directed into another form it can turn into different matter in different places and this is related to the relativity of mass. Furthermore, the energy of a system is only conserved in a system in equilibrium.

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As an example consider a volume of warm water which is heated and try this out temperature increases. The internal energy (thermal energy) of the water is conserved and its total energy is constant in a system which is in equilibrium. If the water is not conserved the total energy can change but it will also change to other forms of energy (e.g. thermal energy to kinetic energy of the molecules of the water). When the system as a whole reaches equilibrium, then the total mass-energy (the amount of energy the system possesses) remains

Law of Conservation of Mass

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