What is quantum computing? Quantum computing is the idea that the basic operations of any computing machine can be performed on physical objects within which, so far, exist only tiny particles that obey properties of the quantum world. A quantum computing system consists of physical objects (called qubits) and a set of quantum gates or operations that can be performed on them. As little as 30 years ago, a world-leading academic challenge ruled out the possibility that a quantum computer would be built in the next century. Just how a quantum computer would operate was beyond our imagination. Yet, amazingly, today a practical quantum computer has been built. Our understanding of the quantum world has grown by leaps and bounds This remarkable feat has occurred because scientific understanding has evolved to the point at which experimentalists can now manipulate quantum states. This will come as no surprise to those who read how, despite spending almost 50 years in the academic wilderness, quantum physics as a subject of research has made astonishing leaps, first being understood and then gradually becoming a working field of our world. There has been much focus on quantum teleportation, but our current understanding of quantum is far more significant than that single experiment. One of the biggest surprises to us in all of this, though it does not appear to be a surprise to many of the specialists, is how little we know that we don’t know — that any situation could be, and might be, even stranger than we expect. So, on that basis, this article aims to bring the basics together in one place, as a source of expert help when it came to the great breakthroughs in quantum physics that some of you may have heard of, but which is the source of so many of the issues that are troubling people today. Read more science stories from Nature Network’s The Liquid Jungle blog. How is quantum computing different to classical computing? In classical computing, all operations website link governed by well-underWhat is quantum computing? C. H.
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Bennett, Quantum theorist. American National Science Foundation fellow and professor of computer science at Harvard University. Full text of his 1981 essay describing qubit computation published in Superconducting electronics and linear theory. In this essay he makes clear the reasons why entanglement is such a powerful resource for quantum computation, and he also points out that the fundamental speedup from increasing physical dimension is not exponential but rather at its extreme is linear. Langton? Colored digital vc. This term was created by John von Neumann himself in 1943, when he decided that the circuit-first approach (in which data and its functional interpretation derive from the circuit) was too linear, and the program-first approach (in which data and its execution derive from the program) was too nonlinear and context-free. Unfortunately, von Neumann was way ahead of his time. Quantum computing is a program in which the program’s execution takes place by manipulating a virtual machine of qubits. A qubit measures the degree of entanglement between two subunits known as “qubits”, and it is the unit of quantum information. Entanglement is a phenomenon describing the true nature of the universe: whether a particular state of particle as at rest can be both in two possible spin states or not, and may be in both states if it obtains a direct measurement. Fold and unzip. A method for creating a qubit from two separate qubits, a prophase operation is achieved by unzipping an object. In 1937, Joseph Lukinson was the first to describe the qubit, though he used it for something that is very different from quantum computing today, he uses it in a classical rather than a quantum mechanical context.
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The first proper quantum mechanical description was in 1944, published by Edwin Harris. In the process of explaining the underlying math there are statements like “a qubit is a quantum mechanical bitWhat is quantum computing? It’s the future. Of course it’s the future. We’re not stupid when it comes to technology: it’s the next big thing. The first time I heard about it I was at a conference where they showed some images from the Holometer experiment. They were some beautiful pictures of a blue-sky dawn over Oxford, their Holometer scattered somewhere in the clouds. What the Holometer is: it’s a large magnet to isolate one part of the Universe and to take measurements on it. In some sense, all those predictions of quantum mechanics are very simple and old: they boil down to an easy-to-understand set of assumptions. You have two quantum systems, they interact, you perform a measurement to check the result of the interaction, and you can go on repeating it again and again. You get the answers: in a deterministic universe, you know beforehand the outcomes (they can have a real physical meaning) and you can repeat them as many times as you want and check them against reality. And that works: the history of experiments tells us that things you predict will be more or less true, and make your life easier. That’s much simpler than reality. Your world has more than one dimension: there is the real world in which you live and everything happens, and there’s the other dimension where everything is at once and maybe sometimes it doesn’t happen, and it’s very perplexing to have two different set of rules.